Browse our latest Developmental Biology articles

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    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    BEND2 is a crucial player in oogenesis and reproductive aging

    Yan Huang, Nina Bucevic ... Ignasi Roig
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Energetic Demands Regulate Sleep-Wake Rhythm Circuit Development

    Amy R. Poe, Lucy Zhu ... Matthew S. Kayser
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Lineage-specific intersection of endothelin and GDNF signaling in enteric nervous system development

    Denise M. Poltavski, Alexander T. Cunha ... Takako Makita
    1. Developmental Biology

    SMAD4 promotes somatic-germline contact during murine oocyte growth

    Sofia Granados-Aparici, Qin Yang, Hugh Clarke
    1. Developmental Biology

    The Alk receptor tyrosine kinase regulates Sparkly, a novel activity regulating neuropeptide precursor in the Drosophila CNS

    Sanjay Kumar Sukumar, Vimala Antonydhason ... Ruth H. Palmer
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Deep learning insights into the architecture of the mammalian egg-sperm fusion synapse

    Arne Elofsson, Ling Han ... Luca Jovine
    AlphaFold-Multimer was used to investigate extracellular protein interactions involved in mammalian egg-sperm recognition, suggesting a putative pentameric complex that includes TMEM81, a sperm protein not previously involved in gamete recognition.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Inhibitory G proteins play multiple roles to polarize sensory hair cell morphogenesis

    Amandine Jarysta, Abigail LD Tadenev ... Basile Tarchini
    Sensory hair cells in the inner ear use inhibitory G proteins with different regulators at different stages of development to break symmetry, adopt a proper orientation, and grow stereocilia.